Homeless in Bolzano

Once again the sun shines over the mountain ridge. It is a beautiful day and after a couple of days of rain, my skin immediately reacts to the radiation, leaving a blushing band over my cheeks. Sitting on the balcony of my temporary stay at Don Quijote’s drinking my morning coffee, I pleasantly acknowledge the beauty of life.
Yesterday we took a tour to the light-weight industry area scouting for a drill, wall paint and future furniture. Staring back is the first layer of paint in a now green kitchen. It looks fresh and inviting, but as I stood there painting I wished it was my place we were painting. Still homeless I feel like I am on vacation in the beautiful weather. Aiming to rectify the situation, me and a Belgium girl are looking for an apartment together. Having met her only briefly the combination gave of good vibes. Tomorrow the intention is to continue the hunt. 
September will be a busy month, with much work, apartment hunting, familiarization and all that fiddle that comes from being somewhere new. It is exiting and exhilarating. 
In a different tone, a past approaches. Yesterday an email with unconventional word-use reached me. Often using language myself to say more than one thing simultaneous, the use of one word in particular left me pondering what exactly I had “signed up” for. If taken out of its written context, placed into the to me conceptual context and interpreted literally in the undeniable situational context, I would find myself in a position in which I have to “cancel my subscription”.

Ambiguous language holds artistic value as it allows to express things that cannot, or should not, be outspokenly said. Not really buying into my own paranoia, in some situations, with some people, uncertainty weights heavy and the scale with which we assess ambiguity is already tilted.  I guess time will straighten things out.

Now the kitchen improvement is to be continued by moving the old fridge to the basement. Ciao bellos!